TINI Quick Start - Install TiniTools

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Why Use TiniTools? (JB4 only, won't work with newer JBuilder versions)

Note: you must have JBuilder installed to use TiniTools. JBuilder's "Open Tools" interface is extensible in the sense that you can create additional functionality for it, and TiniTools is one example. TiniTools was written by Brad Clements of MurkWorks. (Send him an email thanking him and maybe he'll continue to enhance it.) TiniTools are not a Dallas product and they are not included in the Dallas TINI firmware. You need to get them from MurkWorks.

When you program TINI you need to perform several steps each time you want to change and run a program. Without TiniTools, or some equivalent, you could find yourself doing the following dozens of times in a day:

  1. Edit .java files
  2. compile .java files to .class file
  3. convert.class file to .tini file
  4. open ftp session to transfer .tini file to your TINI system
  5. type in the IP address and operations to actually transfer the file via ftp
  6. open a telnet session to communicate with TINI and test your program
  7. type in the IP address and operations to actually connect and use the telnet session
  8. repeat all the above until you feel like a monkey in a lab experiment. Where are my peanuts for doing all the above correctly for the umpteenth time

There has to be a better way than all this manual data entry. Script files help some but then you are constantly writing and maintaining them. TiniTools to the rescue! TiniTools makes the TINI compile -> convert -> download->test cycle easier by automating a lot of the above steps. Here's the TiniTools version of the above:

  1. Edit .java files
  2. compile .java files to .class file. TiniTools automatically converts the .class file to a .tini file, opens an ftp session to transfer .tini file to your TINI system, does all the transfer operations, opens a telnet session to communicate with TINI, at your TINI's IP address and awaits your command
  3. type in the operations to actually test your program
  4. repeat the above with just a couple of mouse clicks.

Install TiniTools for JBuilder 4

Follow the instructions included in the latest TiniTools for JB4. In my case, I expanded the archive into E:\JBuilder4\lib\ext, so the TiniTools jar files are all there.

I then modified e:\Jbuilder4\bin\JBuilder.cfg to add the red line:

# +-----------------------------------------------------+
# |                                                     |
# | This is the configuration file for the JBuilder IDE |
# |                                                     |
# |   Do NOT make modifications without maintaining a   |
# |  backup copy.  See README.txt for a description of  |
# |              the recognized directives.             |
# |                                                     |
# +-----------------------------------------------------+
# Read the shared JDK definition
include jdk.config

# add path to TINI
addpath e:/tini1.02/bin/tini.jar

Now start JBuilder (or close it and restart it, if it was open). In the JB4 Help menu you should see "About TiniTools" if all is correctly installed.

Configure TiniTools for JBuilder 4

In the dependencies setup of Tini Tools, I added the path to my customized dependency file, then I can declare Container10 as "10", etc. Actually, Brad added these definitions to the TiniTools built-in dependency data so you don't even need to do that.

Add the TINI jars to the JBuilder default project properties. This will include them in new projects. You will also need to add them to any existing projects. I create a required library called "TINI API from Dallas" and add the e:\tini1.02\bin\tini.jar and tiniclasses.jar. I create another required library called TINI 1Wire API 1.02p3 and include the file e:\tini1.02\bin\owapi_dependencies_TINI_001.jar. To do this, go to the JBuilder Project->Default Project Properties, click to the Required Libraries tab, click Add , then create a name for the libraries and browse to them.

When you add a .tini file to your JBuilder project, then you also need to configure the ftp and telnet options associated with that .tini file.