Installing JBuilder & COMM API & TINI Files on Your PC

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Install JBuilder (written for JB4, very similar steps for JB 5 and 6)

Mine installed to e:\JBuilder4. I had an existing JBuilder 3.5 installation which I left for a while, but first renamed it to e:\JBuilder3.5_obsolete so that all my existing paths to it will be broken, and I can't possibly be referring to JB3.5 files by accident. Note: Inprise does NOT recommend installing JB4 over an existing JB3.5 directory.

After I get JB4 installed then I will uninstall JB3.5 and delete all the files. I like Symantec Clean Sweep for removing installs.

Start JBuilder and enter your license keys. Close JB4 once you are convinced that it is starting up OK. We'll come back and do more with it in a minute. For the moment all we are going to use are the JDK files in the JBuilder "jdk1.3" subfolder.

Install the Sun Java COMM API

Extract into a convenient place. I used e:\JBuilder4\commapi. (Be sure to check "use folder names" if you use Winzp!) Now in that folder (e:\JBuilder4\commapi for me) open the file PlatformSpecific.html, it has instructions for installing the commapi files. Here's the short version, edited for my case.

Copy win32com.dll to folder e:\JBuilder4\jdk1.3\bin.

Copy comm.jar to folder e:\JBuilder4\jdk1.3\lib.

Copy to the e:\JBuilder4\jdk1.3\lib directory. Failure to do this will result in JavaKit's inability to enumerate your PC serial ports - instead of COM1, COM2 etc, you will see 'serial0' which are just the name placeholders, not real serial ports. You can't access 'serial0'.

Install TINI Firmware on your PC and make a JavaKit batch file

Here is a detailed tutorial on installing the latest updates of TINI firmware. In summary, mine is installed in e:\tini1.02. This is my "TINI root folder".

In the TINI root folder I have a JavaKit.bat file which consists of:

set classpath=E:\JBuilder4\jdk1.3\lib\comm.jar;e:\tini1.02\bin\tini.jar;
E:\JBuilder4\jdk1.3\bin\java -cp E:\JBuilder4\jdk1.3\lib\comm.jar;E:\tini1.02\bin\tini.jar; JavaKit

This lets me start JavaKit by double-clicking on the batch file name or typing it from a command line. The explicit classpaths and exe paths for java should eliminate the chance that "other" java.exe programs get executed by mistake. You want to only execute the java we just installed with JBuilder. Browsers and Windoze also have their own "javas" which are not the ones we want.

Try to Run JavaKit

"Try to run JavaKit"? Why? Because this is where many people new to TINI run into trouble. Get ready to be patient if you are one of the lucky ones to struggle a bit (I was, so don't feel too bad). You need to follow the previous instructions exactly, and be sure that no other "java" exes are in your path and will be invoked instead of the one in the JBuilder4\jdk1.3 folder.

Add comm.jar to your classpath. We already did this above in the JavaKit.bat file.

OK, you should be ready. Double click on the JavaKit.bat file or type 'JavaKit' at a command prompt in the :\tini1.02 folder. Baud rate should be 115 kbaud.

Your TINI sockets board should be powered on, with a straight serial cable from your PC to TINI serial 0. Do not use a null modem cable.

In the portname pull down list select the serial port on your PC which is connected to a TINI sockets board such as TILT or STEP. You want the "main" TINI serial port, TINI serial0, which is the only serial port on TILT, and the serial port closest to the TINI simm on STEP. You want a straight through RS232 cable, NOT a null modem cable, to connect your PC to a Systronix or Dallas TINI socket board (other sockets boards may be different).

If you don't see "COM1", "COM2", etc in the pulldown list, then the COMMAPI is not properly installed.

In my case I chose COM1. Now click on Open Port. The DTR radio button will change to "set". This is resetting TINI if your sockets board supports a DTR reset (be sure jumper JP5 on STEP is installed, it's right next to the reset pushbutton). Now click on Reset, and the DTR radio button will change to "clear". You should see the TINI loader prompt:

TINI loader 05-15-00 17:45
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