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(TINI Java specific links are in our TINI TIPs page. Other Java links are below)

Commercial 8051 & Microcontroller Sites

EG3.COM 8051 Resources
Collection of 8051 vendors. Includes links to free data books and product guides, and demo versions of tools.

8051 simulator and other development software

No Ice Debugger
$50 shareware debugger

Perhaps the best 8051 C compiler. We use it.

Makers of the Secure and High Speed 8051 supersets. Systronix has a complete line of development boards and software for Dallas micros.

Lakeview Research
Many excellent microcontroller books authored by Jan Axelson

Vault Information Systems: shareware 8052 simulator. Also a general 8052 info site

is now
8051 high-speed supersets with on board flash and analog components such as comparators, 12-bit ADC and 12-bit DAC. Systronix has used these mixed-signal devices with good success in OEM designs. There is even a new part with a 1 Msps ADC on a 25 MHz high speed 8051 core, the C8051F060 series of CAN controllers.

Professional RS-485 communications packages, used in major commercial applications. This is the high end of RS-485 use.


Non-commercial 8051 & Microcontroller Sites

Free RTOS is an open source realtime scheduler with a port to the Cygnal micros.

Works at University of Ottawa, has many interesting ideas here. Also a survivor of prostate cancer with info about that too.

Freeware C compiler supports many micros

Myke Predko's Web Site
"Handbook of Microcontrollers" books and CDROM. RTOS. Also lots of good 8051-related links.
Global Semiconductor Datasheet Library. Search with the 'core' designation. For example it will find DS2250 but not DS2250T.

AllCode Free 8051 Software
Some free math and other routines from John Veazey

Mostly Java

Incredible (32-bit) native Java processor with deterministic real-time capability. This is *not* vaporware. It's real and it is blazing fast. Also see our SaJe boards.
Tiny (1 x 2 inch) DIP40 module with a 32-bit native-execution aJ80 Java controller, 512 KBytes of SRAM and 512 KBytes or 2 MBytes of Flash. Executes about 3 million Java byte codes per second. Manufactured by Systronix in an ISO-registered facility.
TStik Image
Dallas TINI400 module in SIMM72 form factor, highly TINI390-compatible. Manufactured by Systronix in an ISO-registered facility and almost always IN STOCK!

Java source code, book reviews, etc

Dallas TINI java SIMM- a SIMM stik with JVM, ethernet, TCP/IP, memory, all for $50. Check out the Systronix boards for this stik.

Borland JBuilder
JBuilder free pure Java development environment. We use it. It includes the Sun JDK.

Sun Java site, includes a very good online Java tutorial. Also you can find Forte, a free Java IDE.

CAN (Control Area Network)

The authors of CAN Kingdom, arguably the best and most flexible CAN High Level Protocol. You can get the spec here as well as sample code (in Delphi) for their CAN monitor PCMCIA card.


CAN in Automation (CiA) international users and manufacturers group. Located in Germany.

 MJ Shofield CAN page

On line tutorial information and other links.

Open Device Net, started by Allen-Bradley, now in the public domain. Buyers guide and lots of CAN products. The DeviceNet spec is a formidable document and is available for about $100. We have it.

Philips SJA1000

Philips stand-alone CAN controller, used on Systronix ALC.
Excellent Motorola App note, applies to any CAN controller.