
BASIC-52 Book & Disk

Systronix wrote and sells the most popular technical reference for the BASIC-52 interpreter.

  • We actually traced through the interpreter souce code to determine how it really works. Our manual describes some surprising bugs and unexpected aspects of BASIC-52.
  • Our book is loaded with non-trivial examples, and more are available on disk. Plus -our examples actually work! Our book has a quick-locater index on the back cover so that finding topics is a snap.
  • Our book does not have schematics or an assembly code reference. It just focusses on BASIC-52 Programming (hence the name). The technical description of each BASIC-52 command or instruction is exceptionally detailed and thorough.
  • Topics are cross-referenced to related topics, with the appropriate page numbers.
BASIC-52 Programming, 180 pages, softbound. Example disk also available.
BASIC-52 Programming Table of Contents. Here's what you get in the book.
BASIC-52 Programming Appendix C (Memory Usage and Storage Formats). This is a good example of the level of technical detail in the manual.
Note: BASIC-52 programming does not provide schematics. We recommend a companion volume which focusses on the hardware side of BASIC-52 systems: Jan Axelson's Microcontroller Idea Book